Resource Management

Improving efficiency and reducing waste in asset management and workspace design

Vision 4 provides guidance for property professionals in making more efficient and effective use of buildings and their support services, how to manage resources more effectively and reduce waste.

In the context of property and facilities management, resource should be considered as anything that is used in the provision of buildings and their support services, including:

  • people
  • natural resources; and
  • energy.

We work with organisations to establish their objectives in planning to improve the efficiency in use of resources. We explore the different stages in the property lifecycle looking at different aspects of estates management, workspace requirements and facilities management and support services.

Resource Management

The outcome is a structured approach to the planning process, creating an outline template with specific guidance on:

  • setting vision, values and objectives
  • design guidelines for each phase of the property lifecycle; and
  • implementation and continuous improvement.


The outcome is a Performance Improvement Plan, with clear targets, developed through a collaborative review process incorporating all functions of estates and asset management.

A circular economy is one that is restorative and regenerative by design, and which aims to keep products, components and materials at their highest utility and value at all times, distinguishing between technical and biological cycles.


The Cradle to Cradle Products Innovation Institute, a non-profit organization, educates and empowers manufacturers of consumer products to become a positive force for society and the environment.


The European Commission – the resource-efficient Europe flagship initiative is part of the Europe 2020 Strategy, the EU’s growth strategy for a smart, inclusive and sustainable economy. It supports the shift towards sustainable growth via a resource-efficient, low-carbon economy.

Read our simple overview to see how Resource Management can benefit your business and how we can help you to improve efficiency, productivity and reduce waste in the management of buildings, assets and support services

Resource Management


The Better Buildings Partnership has produced a comprehensive toolkit for Green Leases to enable owners and occupiers of commercial buildings to work together to reduce the environmental impact of their buildings


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Vision 4 Ltd is registered in England and Wales with the Company Number 7909496

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